Rubik’s Cube

There are obviously many ways to solve Rubik’s cube. I ended up using (only) 4 (simple) formula’s to solve Rubik’s cube. I consider this method a nice mix between speed and keeping it enjoyable.

The colors of the faces in the figure below correspond to my personal cube. For your cube this may obviously be different but should not affect the remainder of this page.

Rubik’s cube unfolded. u=up, f=front, l=left, r=right, d=down (bottom), b=back

Step 1: Using white as the top face (u), match the 4 inner blocks (u1-r3, u3-b5, u5-f3, u7-l3) on the top layer to the mid-points (f4, l4, r4, b4). These blocks can simply be moved without any formula.

Step 2: match the 4 inner blocks (l1-f7, f1-r7, l7-b7, r1-b1) on the middle layer. Also these blocks can simply be moved without any formula.

Step 3: Turn the cube around (the top becomes the bottom)! Turn the (new) top layer until two of the inner blocks (u1-r3, u3-b5, u5-f3, u7-l3) on the top layer are at the correct location. These may be next to each other (e.g. u1-r3, u3-b5) or opposite (u1-r3, u7-l3). Note that they not necessarily match the colors of the mid-points.

The subsequent four formula’s use the rotations of the Cube’s faces as defined in the figure below.

Rotations R, L, B, D, F and U are clockwise. Rotations Ri, Li, Bi, D1, Fi and Ui are counterclockwise (i=inverted)

Using the first formula, the inner blocks on the front (u5-f3) and left (u7-l3) layer are swapped.

Formula for swapping to inner blocks: Ri Ui R U B Ui Bi

Note that in addition, the inner block (r1-b1) between the right and back face is reversed. This property can be used to fix the orientation of one of the other inner blocks on the top face. For example, if the inner block (u3-b5) between the top and back layer is reversed, apply Bi (moving u3-b5 to r1-b1) prior to the formula and B after the formula (moving r1-b1 back to u3-b5).

Step 4: Using the second formula, the orientation of the inner blocks (u5-f3) and left (u7-l3) on the L and V top layer is reversed. If the blocks to be reversed are opposite of eachother (e.g. u1-r3, u7-l3), move one of the inner blocks (e.g. u1-r3) so that you have the inner blocks located on the L and V top layer (e.g. using Ri Fi prior to the formula and F R after the formula).

Formula for in-place rotating two inner blocks: Fi L F Li U Li Ui L

Step 5: Now that all inner blocks are in the right place, it is time to get the corners at the correct location. With the third formula the three corners (f8-d6-l2, f6-l0-u8, fo-u2-r6) are rotated clockwise.

Formula for swapping three corner blocks: Li F R Fi L F Ri Fi

The formula can be preceded and closed by any combination and its reversal so that the formula operates on the desired corners.

Step 6: All the corners should now be at the correct location. The fourth and last formula is used to turn a pair of corners (f6-l0-u8, fo-u2-r6) such that the colors on the u2 and u8 will end up at f0 and f6 respectively. So, prior to applying the formula, make sure to position the cube such that one or two colors u2, u8 need to end up at fo, f6 respectively.

Formula for in-place rotating two corners blocks: U B Ui Bi U B Ui Fi U Bi Ui B U Bi Ui F

Also in this case, the formula can be preceded by and closed by any combination and its reversal so that the formula operates on the desired corners.

The end results should be as below 😉

Completed Cube.